One reader writes: “I just finished reading The Thin Ice of Reality. I was very moved and impressed by this first-person narrative detailing the author’s years of challenge and struggle with mental illness. The descriptions of schizophrenic symptoms and the havoc they played during one person’s lifetime were honest and illuminating. More so because this mental illness does not always manifest to the exterior world. I am certain that most individuals with schizophrenia are acutely aware of the stigma and misunderstandings among the general populace about this debilitating and life-changing illness, which adds but another layer of agony to the sufferer’s situation. In the author’s case, the support of family and others helped bring her in recent years to new medication and a new life. A hopeful ending.

Another reader writes: “I’ve had no in-person experience with schizophrenia, and my knowledge of it is slim. For me, The Thin Ice of Reality was a window, an opportunity to glimpse how wide-ranging and devastating the effects of this illness can be. For people living with schizophrenia, your memoir can offer a hopeful model. To survive one's harrowing past, examine it, own it, and move forward into a life that’s productive and purposeful -- that's a resounding accomplishment.

One person wrote: Thank you for helping readers understand the inner and outer lives of a person suffering from schizophrenia. It is a far better way to understand the illness than just viewing a movie on the subject. Hopefully, those who choose to study to help others with this or any other affliction may use this book to improve their understanding of how mental illness affects folks.

THE THIN ICE OF REALITY is a masterpiece that will appeal to many different audiences….Peyton fearlessly explores early romantic and sexual encounters, graduate school trials and tribulations and struggles with early employment. Through her experiences important questions emerge—what from our childhood should we carry with us? What should we leave behind? What makes a stable life? A good one?

If you are interested in (or can relate to) what it means to grow as a person while also living with schizophrenia, you also will find meaning in this book. While Peyton was making so many important decisions, the superstitions associated with her schizophrenia would sometimes take the helm—or leave her in a state of turmoil over the right choices. It was fascinating to see what many would understand as metaphors or symbols become part of Peyton’s lived reality.

This is also an important book for anyone interested in (or employed in) the field of psychology, social work or medicine. Here is a first-hand account of life being lived as medicines for schizophrenia failed (and evolved), therapy techniques were tested, hospitalizations occurred, and Peyton, with much resilience, kept connecting with others and moving forward as best as possible. It is an important chronicle of the impact of evolving treatment.

THE THIN ICE OF REALITY is an apt name for the book. Peyton cracks the surface of what we all know as reality and shows us what can be underneath for us all. The book is ultimately redemptive. It reveals what proper medicine and years of hard-earned wisdom can show us about how to treat others and ourselves. I come away from reading this book much wiser and more compassionate.

Another review: “What an amazing and valuable book you have written. Your story of illness and recovery is important, compelling, and heart-wrenching. The Thin Ice of Reality is a moving examination of the complexity of human life. Your insights into how we are shaped by our internal selves and the people in our lives is very helpful for all of us as we face difficulties. Writing a book requires determination and personal fortitude. I admire your ability to examine and assess your memories and to write about them in a way that’s accessible to many people. The book is, in my estimation, a true gift for people facing mental health challenges and those who care about them.”

A recent review: “The Thin Ice of Reality provides an incredibly cogent and affecting picture of the author’s experience with schizophrenia--from its onset during her graduate school days, through her hospitalization and its aftermath, and through her decades-long work towards recovery. Libby provides an insightful account of how schizophrenia affected her thinking, decision-making and relationships. Her story also illuminates the best and the worst of our mental health support systems. Despite the gravity of the subject matter, Libby tells her story with humor, intelligence and grace.

This book should be on the reading list for every social worker, counselor, psychologist and psychiatrist—as well as those studying to join these helping professions, and for individuals and family members coping with serious mental illness.”